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At Berkeley Accounting, we are flexible, we understand our clients’ needs, and we adapt to meet these needs.

Contact us to see how our services can meet your needs.

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Entity Formation

Depending on how you manage your organization, you want to form a different legal entity: C-Corporation, S-Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC), General Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), or Limited Partnership (LP).  Before you decide which one you choose, you must think how you want to run your company. 

State Qualification

Whether it is your first company or branch office, you must comply with all relevant laws in the new place of business.  Obtaining tax identification numbers from state, county, or city is only beginning of qualification process.  Despite the convoluted rules in state and municipalities, we will help you complete your qualification process as smooth and efficient as possible.

HR Compliance/Audit

As your firm grows, you may face unexpected moments with your employees or relevant government agencies.  Calculating overtime may be easy.  Often, however, your HR issues arise from hiring of your employee and ends even after termination of the employee.  Collaborated with HR experts outside the firm, we can help you design and/or improve your HR system.

401(k) Plan

Everyone must plan his or her retirement as we cannot simply rely on the current social security system.  Among many retirement plans, 401(k) becomes most popular among many companies partly because of its flexibility and contribution limit.  In fact, 401(k) is now a great tool to attract and retain your talented employees.  However, it may not be the best retirement plan available for you and your employees.  More importantly, you have a fiduciary duty to set up a cost-efficient retirement plan for your employees.

Contract Negotiation

A decision maker of your company is you, neither attorney nor CPA.  However, to make an informed business decision, we must rely on their advice.  Understanding laws, business, or accounting would be beneficial.  Yet, you are ahead of your counterpart if you have consultant who understands not just laws or accounting, but your business and bargaining mechanism.  Before you make a pivotal business decision, we will play outcomes of your decision.  Now, it is up to you whether you want to revise your plan, as many of our clients do, or to start your costly game to see unexpected consequences.

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